How do you acquire a good shooting form?

2 min readMay 29, 2023


I’ve been overthinking a lot about this topic. I’ve had many failed attempts both in trying to correct my own form and others’ forms. I am trying to dissect what seems to work so far.

Building some foundational shooting skills work.

Form shooting under the basket, shooting from close and slowly work my way farther, working on how to properly grip the ball, working on follow through etc. The list goes on. Foundations help because they reinforce shooting movement patterns, improve touch and body awareness. These works are non-negotiables. Fundamental works are essential. They are good bulding blocks.

Immidating NBA players work.

Why wouldn’t it? They have mastered their shooting and we can learn valuable traits from them. It depends on how close you observe. It also depends on your physique. Even NBA players, among themselves, have different shooting forms because they have different physique. I think we have to experiment with different imitations and see what works best. The goal is pick good traits and adopt them.

Taking a more holistic approach works.

In other words, at times, avoid correcting shooting form at all. This is counter intuitive because one would think in order to correct shooting form, one has to correct it. Not quite often. Shooting is a fast motion and focusing on certain body parts mgiht hinder its flow. I am not saying one cannot learn by slowing down. But more often than not, it leads to interuption of your flow. One must be very intentional about the method that he’s using. Slowing down serves its purpose. But we just easily fall back to what feels most comfortable to ourselves when we speed up.




Written by kalikbball

A basketball shooting enthusiast

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